Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan

Equality Michigan

Michigan AFL-CIO
"We believe that you have demonstrated an understanding for the issues facing working families. We hope that you will be a tireless advocate for working people, protect their right to join in union, and help them protect the pay and benefits that allow them to sustain their families."

UAW Region 1D & Lakeshore CAP Council

Fraternal Order of Police- Michigan Lodge

Michigan Association of Police Organizations

Michigan laborers Union Local 355

Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Service Trades Local 174

Michigan Chamber of
“We are focused on candidates who understand the critical role Michigan’s businesses play in every community and for every Michigander as well as the importance of fostering an environment for job providers to grow, compete and succeed. These candidates also have demonstrated they have the ability to win, and more importantly, have the courage to govern and work collaboratively.”

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 275
It is with great pride and support that the members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 275 offer our endorsement of Will Snyder for the 87th Michigan House seat. Of the many issues that surround any campaign, your beliefs and values regarding equity, fairness and collective bar- gaining are shared by the members of our local un- ion. In order to further the prosperity of the work- ing men and women of Muskegon County, we believe it is vital to offer our support in your election efforts. We fully expect that when you win your election you will continue to demonstrate a commitment to workers through legislative, administrative or other means to ensure that the wealth created by labor is shared by labor through the collective bargaining process.

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employee Council 25
"AFSCME endorsed candidates are committed to standing with AFSCME on the issues that matter most to our membership -- good-paying jobs, secure retirements, affordable healthcare and prescriptions, quality public education and anti-privatization measures,"

Small Business Association of Michigan
“Small businesses are critical to the health and prosperity of our economy. We need strong leaders that understand and support small business and that’s why we have endorsed Will Snyder for the Michigan House of Representatives in the 87th District. We know Will will advocate for small businesses in Lansing on behalf of the communities he represents.”

Black Women's Political Caucus of Muskegon County

Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 951

Teamsters Local 406
"Will's experience in union labor representing the working middle class will serve as a valuable tool of reference for him in Lansing."

Sheet Metal Air Rail and Transportation Workers Union - Transportation Division

Michigan Retailers Association

American Federation of Teachers
AFT is a union of 35,000 educators and healthcare providers working in K-12 and intermediate school districts, community colleges, universities, and hospitals all-across the state.

Service Employees International Union Michigan State Council
“We look forward to partnering with you on our Unions For All Agenda—ensuring all workers have access to a union, everyone has access to their democracy, that everyone has access to quality, affordable health care, that immigrant families are welcome, safe and free, and that we take immediate bold action on climate change.”

Police Officers Association of Michigan

County Road Association of Michigan
“Our Roads+ trustees have once again endorsed a robust slate of candidates and incumbents who will be on the Primary Election ballot for State Representative or Senator,” said Denise Donohue, Roads+ treasurer and the director of the County Road Association of Michigan. "These endorsements represent the next crop of local transportation advocates and leaders across the state."

Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union
"Our members are confident that when you are elected, you will fight to protect their safety and their rights in the Legislature. We know that we can count on your support of not only Michigan fire fighters, but all working people around the state."

Home Builders Association of Michigan
Property Management Association of Michigan

Michigan Corn Growers Association

Michigan Association of Justice

MI LIST - Good Guys
Michigan Education Association

Michigan Pipe Trades Association

Michigan League of Conservation Voters

Michigan State Medical Society - Doctors PAC

West Michigan Progress PAC

Vote Pro Choice

Michigan Teamster JOint Council 43

Michigan Nurses Association

Muskegon County Sheriff
Michael Poulin
"Throughout my public safety career, I have had a number of opportunities to work with Will Snyder in both a professional capacity, as well as local community programs. Will has always presented himself in a professional manner, with a clear understanding of the needs of our community. Will Snyder is the only candidate with the experience and knowledge to represent Muskegon County as our next State Representative. Please join me in supporting Will Snyder as our next representative of the 87th state house."

Muskegon County Prosecutor
DJ Hilson
"Will Snyder has dedicated his career to moving Muskegon forward. He has spent the last six years building important relationships in Lansing and throughout the State of Michigan that he will be able to build on to help Muskegon continue being a leader in the State. Will is the only candidate with the experience, the trust, and the relationships to get the job done. Join me in supporting Will Snyder for State Representative"
Fmr. Muskegon County Surveyor
Tim Demumbrum
"Will Snyder has the chops and experiences needed to hit the ground running on day one in Lansing. I trust him to make good decisions and fight for Muskegon county and its people. Join me in supporting Will Snyder on August 2nd."

Muskegon County Treasurer
Tony Moulatsiotis
“As a small business owner and as the Muskegon County Treasurer, I know how important it is to understand budgeting and to be fiscally responsible. I have faith that when there are tough decisions about the state budget and spending priorities in Lansing that Will has the experience and fortitude to make those choices to help working families and Muskegon County. I trust Will Snyder. Please join me in supporting Will Snyder for State Representative.”

Muskegon County Commissioner
Rillastine Wilkins
“When you serve your community as an elected official for 45 years as I have, you learn a lot about what it takes to be a successful leader. We need people who not only talk the talk but are also accessible and available to constituents. Will is the kind of person you will find year-round in every corner of the community listening to people, solving their problems, and working for policy that will better their lives. I fully support Will Snyder for State Representative of the 87th District.”

Muskegon Township Supervisor
Jennifer Hodges
“Will Snyder is honest, forward thinking, and fiscally responsible and will bring collaboration and integrity to the 87th District. Will understands the importance of local representation at the State level and will work hard in Lansing to ensure his constituents are represented well. I am happy to endorse Will Snyder for State Representative in the 87th district.”

Muskegon Heights City Councilwoman
Bonnie mcGlothin
"I am pleased to endorse Will Snyder for the position of 87th District State Representative. I have known and interacted with Will for the past 6 years and he has been a tremendous help to my community. Will is also a lifelong resident of the Muskegon area. He knows the needs of the people. Will is the most qualified person seeking the position. He has gained his experience as a Legislative Aide and District Director for our current State Representative Terry Sabo. Will best serves this district with his knowledge of strengthening the connections between the people in the community and the policymakers in Lansing. Will has my support for 87th District State Representative."

Muskegon Heights City Councilman
Andre Williams
“In this day and time, we need leaders who are honest, work with integrity and serve with compassion. These qualities are evident in Will Snyder. He is the candidate with the most experience who will be ready to do the job on day one.”

Muskegon Board of Education
Zachary Anderson
“Will is by far the candidate of experience because of his time working for State Rep. Terry Sabo over the last six years. Will’s dedication to Muskegon is second to none. He is the only candidate to consistently attend community events and Democratic Party functions over the past decade. Will has always been an ally for Muskegon Public Schools from supporting our bond campaign for new facilities to frequently attending Big Red events. He isn’t a stranger to our community. Will has the democratic values we need; he has shown up; and he has put the work in. I’m proud to call him my friend and excited to call him our next State Representative.”

Muskegon Board of Education
Billie Bruce
“Will Snyder is a champion for public education. He knows that education must focus on the kids and will push for policy that does that. We need people in Lansing who care deeply about their community. Will shares with me that care and commitment for the community. It’s the same commitment to education and community that has led me to serve for nearly 30 years on the school board. I am happy to endorse Will Snyder for State Representative in the 87th district.”

Orchard View Board of Education
Jackie Hallberg
“Will Snyder has shown that not only does he have the skills and knowledge to be an impactful leader, he also has the passion and commitment that shows he truly cares about our community. I have had the awesome opportunity to watch him advocate, support and organize many programs and events that are so needed. I am so excited to have Will in this position and am proud to endorse him to be our next 87th District State Representative.”
Fmr. Muskegon County Commission Chair
Ken Mahoney
"Will Snyder is an experienced and dedicated leader who impressed me by his compassion for helping people. While a Muskegon County Commissioner, I often referred citizens to Will to find solutions to their problems with state government. Will is a keen problem solver. People need leaders who show up and who are responsive to their needs. When the going gets tough, Will Snyder rolls up his sleeves, puts in the long hours, and gets the job done. It is my pleasure to support his candidacy and to enthusiastically endorse him for the Michigan House of Representatives in the 87th District."
Fmr. Muskegon County Dems Chair
Jennifer Barnes
“I served with Will on the Board of the Muskegon County Democratic Party. He has a lifelong connection to Muskegon County, including its community and its politics. Will is the only candidate who has extensive experience working in the Legislature to further the interests of Muskegon County residents. It is my honor and privilege to endorse Will Snyder for State Representative in the 87th District.”

Fmr. Muskegon County Clerk
Karen Buie
"As the Former Muskegon County Clerk, I have had the opportunity to observe and evaluate the perspectives and agendas of the various candidates for State Representative. Will Snyder is honest, pragmatic and has insight into our community's problems and needs. He is willing to examine the issues and listen closely to the public's questions and concerns, which sets Will far apart from the other candidates. That is why I fully endorse Will Snyder for State Representative."

Lawyer and Marine Corp Veteran
Paula tillman
“I have known Will Snyder since 2012 and have had the opportunity to work with him on several political projects. I have found him to be very knowledgeable on the issues and not afraid to stand by his beliefs. He is exactly the type of leader we need in Lansing.”